Thursday, August 14, 2008

Friday Show and Tell

I believe I mentioned somewhere that I am a Christmas here is just a small sample of some of my Santa and Father Christmas collection ,some of my snowmen and one of my Villages with my "everything tree" beside the antique hutch in the dining room. I have been collecting for over 20 years now and we always have at least 6 or 8 trees, not counting the little "forest trees that are everywhere! If you click on the picture, it will enlarge enough to get a better look.

Only 3 months and it will be time to bring them all out again...Whew!
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A Hint of Home said...

I love Christmas decorating. I have a Santa and snowman collection but not on the scale of yours. They are very pretty.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Yep, you do have quite a collection although I tell my husband I could probably do 2 trees for us and enough to do each of the kids a full tree and still have stuff left over!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Double WOW! I thought I had the Christmas bug bad but you definitely hav me beat!!

Raindancer1 said...

Well, That is just the dining room hutch..and a lot of the things never got put out. We decorate all over the place now except no Christmas trees ,etc, upstairs in kids'rooms, they all have their own homes.

I have so much more that this year I filled 2 tupperware tubs and gave the contents away..year before last, I took 3 boxes to the Catholic Charities for distribution to families who had been flooded out, and this year, I will be weeding out again.And filling the downstairs rooms.

Wanita said...

You have many lovely things in your Christmas collection. I like to decorate for Christmas, but I don't think I could ever do as many trees as you do!

Missy Wertz said...

Do you leave your Christmas stuff up year around? You have a lot. Christmas is fun all year long. :D

La Tea Dah said...

Wow, an awesome Christmas collection!

Carla said...

Oh my! You are one of those wonderful people with a collection that takes forever to see everything! I love it! My Christmas tree is an everything tree-all my treasures. I'm excited about setting it up.