Saturday, October 22, 2005

What's Happening?

Here it is, the end of October..and I am still living as though I'm waiting for September. A great little vacation last month, a few days in Cape Ann at a great B and B, plus the first night in a nice little Inn..what a delight to smell that seaweedy, dead fish, tangy aroma of the Atlantic Ocean! I love it and can't wait to get back.

Three days of practically no TV, no newspapers, no worrying how to save the World which is coming apart at least 18 different seams and half of us don't give a damn...then back to the real world..God...I can't stand it.

On a practical note..the price of fuel oil has forced us to use less heat this winter and hate it or not, I will be wearing longjohns this winter again..the last time was when Jimmy Carter was President! Remember how p----d off we all were at him because gas and oil prices soared and now it's deja vue' all over again I guess.

Remember my blog note about Karl Rove sometime back? I am waiting to see if his yes man stooge takes the, not Bush, the other guy. No..not Cheney either..can't wait to see what next week brings!

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