Saturday, September 12, 2009

Butterflies and Summer's End

Well, summer is about over and I never even came back to keep up on the news of the garden..a bit of a disappointment in some ways but all in all, we did manage to grow some tomatoes despite the early blight which destroyed the tomato crop in most home gardens and even some of the larger truck gardens in the area.

We do have some beautiful kale, swiss chard, and a few rutabagas and parsnips still growing, the broccoli was good but about petered out now, the brussel sprouts are gaining and will be ready in a week or two, I will harvest the largest ones first and leave the plants in the ground as they will continue to grow til hard freeze and I get all the cucumbers I can use. We even had some tomatoes to share with the kids, for some reason the small salad varieties did the best this year and we have picked a LOT of them.

Our oldest daughter and I had a wonderful visit to a Butterfly House last month...what a delightful place, can't wait to go back...and next time, I will make sure that the memory stick is in the camera, not here on the desk!

We are getting ready to leave for Rockport next week, what a joy to see our dear friend, Marie, and taste those wonderful breakfasts again. The weather looks as though it will be cool [well almost cold by the middle of the week] but since we always wait until Fall when the main tourist season is over before we go out, we will have to take whatever weather shows up I guess! Will post when we get back.