Friday, August 15, 2008

Where Did This Week Go?

A baby fawn in our meadow, mommy came back and got her shortly after we took the picture. . Oh the joys of country living!!!

Here we are, halfway through August..I am disappointed in our gardens this years, tomotoes just not getting ripe and they are starting to get early blight,,we will spray again in a day or two and give them all another good soaking even though my arms are now longer than my legs from carrying those buckets and watering cans to the two gardens across the road.

We had the best broccoli I have eaten in years tonight, not bitter as most of the broccoli I buy has been for several years now. I think it is one of the older varieties, Green Comet, which is not a commercial variety.

I will have to freeze a little, it is all getting ready at once. After I pick the main heads, we will fertilize with blue water at least twice and then keep watered and the plants will produce enough sprouts for us until hard frosts.

Zucchini has taken over and is the only things that is producing more than we can use, I am busy finding new recipes for at least part of it.

Today and tomorrow the local craft fair is on from 9 to 5 although people will be picking up and leaving early tomorrow if business is slow, and I am sure it will be. The economy is so bad that most people are saving for fuel this Winter rather than buying crafts and artwork. I spent a measley $3.00 for a loaf of the worst tasting zucchini bread I have ever had and a tiny package of homemade fudge for Norm.

Back to my reading for tonight, I bought a new Ann Rule book for a dollar at the library book sale and can't wait to start reading it.

Bye for now....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Friday Show and Tell

I believe I mentioned somewhere that I am a Christmas here is just a small sample of some of my Santa and Father Christmas collection ,some of my snowmen and one of my Villages with my "everything tree" beside the antique hutch in the dining room. I have been collecting for over 20 years now and we always have at least 6 or 8 trees, not counting the little "forest trees that are everywhere! If you click on the picture, it will enlarge enough to get a better look.

Only 3 months and it will be time to bring them all out again...Whew!
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Friday, August 08, 2008

Friday's Show and Tell

Thought you might enjoy "Bailey at the Beach" one of my very large collection of Boyds resins. I started collecting over 12 years ago but gave it up several years back after running out of space to display and even to store them. This is a special favorite because I too love building sand castles [and looking for beach glass] when we go to Rockport each year.
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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Kendall and Keegan

Before Kendall got soaked!
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The Staff of Life [so they say]

Think it is about time I got out one of my 3 bread machines and started making bread at least once a week, I nearly fell over today when 2 6 pks of whole grain English Muffins and 2 loaves of wheat bread totaled over 14.00 DOLLARS!!!
That is downright ridiculous and even though the muffins will last about 10 days, it is still too much, both loaves of bread were on sale, otherwise it would have been about 2.50 more. I have some great bread recipes and there are more links on here but here is one for one and half pound loaves if anyone is looking.

one and one half pound loaf 1 1/2 pound loaf bread machine 163 Recipes Recipezaar

Did great on my other shopping today, fish and meat for the week came to about 10.00 and that will be plenty, I may freeze part of the fish for next week as I found a good buy on salmon and crab cakes.
Spent $5.25 at the produce market for tomatoes, mangos, Vidalia onions, and a lot of bananas.
I still have cherries, blueberries, apples and pears left from last week and can harvest broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, swiss chard, lettuce and herbs from the garden plus I have a lot of frozen veggies to use up in the freezer.

I just cannot believe the food and gas prices these days..we have cut back on driving about as much as possible and I am using a lot from my food pantry but replacing most things with the same when they are on sale as I fear next year will be much worse.