Thursday, February 07, 2008

Night Sky

Took this just before the county cut down our 120 year old maple to widen our county road. I miss that beautiful old tree and the wonderful shade it gave the house in summer, the gorgeous color it gave in the Fall, and the gallons of sap that we collected in February and March to boil down into maple syrup. After the third winter of having our wall paper fall off the kitchen walls, we just bought maple syrup, it was cheaper than repapering!

Husband has gone to the woods to cut down some trees for next winter's wood supply and I am taking a break from following my daily task of finding something to give or throw away. So far have about 10 or 12 books piled on the kitchen table, 1 box of stale crackers to put in bird feeder cage [after I smear them with peanut butter], and 2 dead houseplants..I gotta pay more attention to my babies!

Started 2 of my Amaryillis Bulbs today and have 2 more to start in a week or two. I kept the one from last year but it has disappeared ,I thought it was in the morning room, but couldn't find it there, I just hope I remembered to bring it in from the patio last fall.
Upward and onward!

Friday, February 01, 2008

New day, new dreams

Here it is, February already and I have yet to cross off my first week of January scheduled tasks!

I did make a few resolutions this year, pretty much the same as I do every year...lose weight, live more frugally, get clutter under control and blah, blah, blah.

This year, I have added a few and need to remind my self that new habits take constant attention but here they are:

1. Do something special for someone, human or animal to make their life a little happier each day.

2. Do something "green' each day...that means taking one or more of my canvas shopping bags when I shop, turning off an unused light, wearing a sweatsuit and using a throw instead of turning up the heat, carry the scraps to the compost bin instead of throwing them away, reuse paper and plastic bags [they are already here!].

3. Stop complaining about the things I can't control and work more on the things I can do to make a difference.

4. Take better care of myself so I will be less of a burden on others as I age.

5.Hug, and/or kiss someone EVERY single day. That one is a must!

Sounds easy but I need to remind myself that life really is not the past [where I tend to live] or the future which might never be out there, but NOW...carpe' diem...seize the day...that says it all.